The difference between a lipoma and a cyst

7 December 2023

Lumps and bumps can be causes of concern for any individual. When diagnosing any type of growth, accurate identification is the key to successful treatment and/or removal.

Cysts and lipomas are two common types of lumps that can be found under the skin. In this blog post, we compare cysts and lipomas to help you become one step closer to an appropriate treatment and peace of mind.

What is a cyst?

A cyst is a pocket of tissue that forms under the skin and can appear anywhere on the body, including internally on organs. This sac-like structure contains either fluid, pus or air, and is generally non-cancerous (or benign).

There are several different types of cysts, including epidermoid cysts, which form most commonly on the face and neck, and ganglion cysts found on the tendons or joints in the wrists, hands and feet. Cysts can grow quickly or slowly over time, and tend to be accompanied by a visible lump, pain, some discomfort, and additional swelling.

How is a lipoma different?

Like cysts, lipomas are generally harmless and benign. Unlike the closed, sac-like nature of a cyst however, lipomas consist of fatty tissue that is soft to the touch and moveable when pressed. Lipomas also tend to be painless, although some discomfort is likely to be experienced if the lipoma contains blood vessels or is in close proximity to nerves.

The causes of lipomas and cysts also differ drastically. Research has found that certain people are predisposed to the development of lipomas, whereas cysts are the result of trapped secretions, minor injuries or abnormal bodily functions.

Is the treatment of cysts and lipomas the same?

While both cysts and lipomas are diagnosed via a biopsy and, where applicable, diagnostic imaging, the treatment of each couldn’t be more different. Cysts are drained of their contents but can refill again over time without surgical removal. Using surgical removal, the entire cyst (including its fluid, pus or air and surrounding sac) can be taken away to reduce the likelihood of regrowth dramatically.

Lipomas are generally surgically removed. Prompt removal of a lipoma is however advised to minimise the impact on surrounding tissues, and reduce the risk of interfering blood vessels and nerves.

Are you looking to get a painful cyst or unsightly lipoma removed for good? Contact Ahid today to discuss your next steps.

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