What’s involved in wart/verruca removal?

10 May 2024

As specialists in wart and verruca removal, we’re here to help individuals find the treatment they need to take care of these skin growths with ease. While warts and verrucas are small lumps that can go away for good without any medical intervention, the fact that this process can take months or even years has brought many people to our clinic in search of more efficient and effective solutions. So, what can you expect from wart or verruca removal?

What is a wart?

Warts are non-cancerous growths that appear as small lumps on the skin. Warts are triggered by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes excess cell growth and results in the epidermis of the skin becoming thicker and harder. The warts themselves can appear as a single spot or in clusters, and vary in appearance from person to person.

Who is most at risk?

Anyone can get warts, although they tend to be more prevalent in young people, including children and teenagers. Warts are also more common in those with damaged skin, such as individuals with eczema or people who nail bite.

It is important to note that while warts can spread through skin-to-skin contact, not everyone who comes into contact with HPV will develop symptoms. This comes down to the affected person’s immune system, which may react differently to the human papillomavirus.

How do warts and verrucas differ?

Warts and verrucas may often be mentioned in the same breath, but they have their differences as well as their similarities. While both are the result of exposure to HPV, if not different strains, verrucas are found solely on the feet. In comparison, warts can develop anywhere on the body.

Verrucas also tend to be flatter and more calloused in appearance, while warts are generally rough and raised. Verruca symptoms can be painful too, whereas warts are usually painless.

What are my treatment options?

If your wart is leaving you feeling self-conscious or has begun to cause you pain and discomfort, you may want to explore your options for removal. While no single treatment is 100% effective, wart removal does provide the results that many sufferers are seeking, and is more successful if repeated.

There are several options for wart removal, including topical treatment, chemical intervention and freezing. Here at SKINSCAR Clinic, wart removal is generally undertaken under local anaesthetic.

For further details on how we can help you with wart or verruca removal, please contact our team today.

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