Skin Check

From £200.00

Skin Cancer Screening

SKINSCAR clinic offers a skin cancer screening service, involving a comprehensive examination and assessment for those patients with moles that they are concerned about. During these appointments all your skin will be examined by a skin expert. This will usually either be a consultant dermatologist or plastic surgeon. Any moles or concerning skin lesions will be digitally recorded and a plan will be made with you if it is felt that further investigation is needed. If it is felt that a biopsy or removal would be beneficial, then this is something that can usually be carried out during the same appointment. All assessments and treatments are undertaken in our purpose-built facility.

Following your appointment and assessment you will be provided with a detailed report that will also be sent to your GP.


What is skin cancer screening?

Skin cancer screening is a means by which early changes in the skin are detected so that skin cancer can be prevented or detected and treated at an early stage. The incidence of skin cancer in the UK is increasing and this is partly a consequence of increased levels of UV exposure but also because of increased awareness and early detection. We recommend that all adults should have an annual skin check to look for these early changes.

The purpose of skin cancer screening is to detect skin cancer before any symptoms are present. Although detection is not 100% accurate, technology is evolving to make detection rates better and tests less invasive. At present, the most definitive way to check a suspicious area of skin or mole is to remove part or all of it and to have it checked in a laboratory. There are however potential downsides to this:

  • False positive results.
  • False negative results
  • The biopsy/removal can result in a scar.

During your skin check our skin experts will be able to discuss the most appropriate tests and the potential side effects or risks associated with them.

Why is screen cancer screening necessary?

Skin cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer and affects people of all ages. There are several different types of skin cancer which are broadly divided into Melanoma skin cancers and non-melanoma skin cancers. Non-melanoma skin cancers form the majority of skin cancers and are also the most readily treatable.

Melanoma is considered the most serious form of skin cancer, and this is because it has the highest risk of spread around the body. It is therefore especially important to detect this form of skin cancer at an early stage, where the risk of spread will be reduced. Melanoma tends to arise in moles that are pigmented and any changes in a pre-exiting mole should be examined by an expert in skin. Below is the ABCDE prompt to seeking an expert opinion if you notice any of the following changes in your moles:

Looking for signs of cancer before having screening

There are some basic checks you can do yourself to hunt for early signs of skin cancer before you visit our clinic.

It’s important to bear in mind that most non-melanoma skin cancers tend to develop more commonly on skin that’s exposed to the sun. To spot the early signs of the disease, it’s therefore important to know how your skin normally looks to notice any changes that take place.

If you regularly work outside or spend extended periods of time in the sun during recreational activities, these checks become even more important. Ask a close friend, partner, or family member to check areas that are harder for you to assess, such as your back.

Look specifically for spots that don’t heal within a month, or those that are itchy, scab over or bleed for longer than a month. If you’re at all unsure, always consult your doctor or visit our clinic for a professional opinion.

Skin cancer screening enquiry

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